#4–My borrowed time #3-today in Bad’lania 23 Bul-Mar-Cheshvan 3467-and here 12/22/2016-FREE DOWNLOAD CARDS!!!

forever concerned with the legacy i leave, both personally and musically, i spent the month of September to personally digitize my early works from 1991-1998 and released the following 2 albums under the band name Bop Bop bigger Bab-‘L(featuring Steve Lieberman):

#-2 The Underground Sessions #1 (1994-1998)

and (#-1) The Underground Sessions:the First of The Great Punk Bassists (1991-1994).

there are about 51 songs here–the session 1 is after G-d called me so has a religious yet rebellious tinge while session 2 is highly explisit .all are done with me–bass,vocals and beats recorded on cassette.

just email me at gangstarabbi@hotmail.com or pm me on facebook. i will either send you the code or if you like the physical card.

the last 2 days were very typical for me post-illness. i got up at 9 when Green Acres was on channel 114. i keep 114(Antenna TV) on all night because i can’t see the clock so i determine the time on the episode they’re playing and motr importantly, if the angel of death visits he will go away when he hears the tv.i then serve my G-d with the tefillin and read the scriptures. then i go into the studio and work on album 31/69 of the King of Jewish Punk. there is only 2 places i now feel safe==sitting on the double dog bed in the front of my board and in my own bed.i always feel sicker when i get up from the bed and it takes me no less than 10 minutes to get up from the bed.

and lastly, there is The First Book Of The Badlan’im. it is 4 chapters of prayers i wrote from 1995-1996 . it only exists in my memory–i will write down before i lose that!


love ya’s all much



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